419.353.4332 office
419.494.1993 cell
Haley has done every single marketing piece for me since I became licensed. She has won many design awards, and I value her opinion and advice immensely. Use her from everything from logo design, marketing materials, direct mail, web site design, and anything else you can think of! She is truly the BEST at making me look good.

Huntington Mortgage Group
3950 N. McCord Road
Toledo, OH 43617
419.254.2194 office
419.509.7177 mobile
419.841.4563 fax
Todd is a great go-to guy for every mortgage need. He has great programs for every buyer: first-time, trade-ups, refinancing, he does it all. Works very hard for my clients. Love him.

5700 Monroe St., Suite 300A
Sylvania, OH 43560
419.885.9300 office
419.885.8306 fax
Another great lender. He reminds me of my dad. He always takes his time to explain everything very clearly to my clients. Really a wonderful guy, and NOIC is great.
Kelly Pettit, CPA
Yeager, Pettit & Associates, Inc.
5151 Monroe St, Suite 108 East
Toledo, OH 43623-3468
419.843.6046 office
419.843.6048 fax
419.466.9922 cell
Everyone needs someone else to do their taxes. Kelly does mine, and trust me, it's not pretty...Call her. She WILL help you make your life less taxing! Ha Ha ha hahahahahah!!!
Matthew L. Weisenburger - Attorney
Cline, Cook & Weisenburger
Edison Plaza, Suite 1100
300 Madison Ave
Toledo, OH 43604-2605
419.321.6444 phone
You'll want to establish a relationship with an attorney, especially if you are buying or selling or renting a property, need a will when you have kids, a living will so you don't become a burden to said children, etc... Matt has done yeoman's service for my clients, and I appreciate having him a phone call away. You will too! And he's cute.

3404 Holland Sylvania Rd.
Toledo, OH 43615
419.841.5575 phone
419.841.5684 fax
I love Matt. He is funny. And his company does everything, including windows. And carpets. And cleans duct work. And cleans up after fires, floods and water-in-the-basement. And steams clean tile. Which reminds me, I need to call him to clean my kitchen floor...

Nationwide Insurance
570 N. Byrne Rd.
Toledo OH 43607
419.578.2014 office
419.578.2048 fax
Odis is an excellent person in all ways. He WILL save you money on house, car, boat, jet ski, life, health, etc. insurance. Odis Rocks!

Savage & Associates
4427 Talmadge Road
Toledo, OH 43623
419.475.8665 office
419.725.7273 direct
419.475.8240 fax
If I had two nickels to rub together, I would give them to Dan to invest for me. He is extremely smart, and is very serious about helping people plan for retirement. It's closer than you think....